You might have tried this amazing tool already but don’t know how to properly use it. Publisher rocket is great for Amazon ads…but you’re doing it wrong.
Today's article has three points and you are going to want to stick around because the third point is a secret, a huge one. It's a mistake that most authors make when they're using Publisher Rocket. Something they're doing that's not completely right that is costing you money.
That is the reason why in today's article, we are discussing Publisher Rocket Is Great For Amazon Ads…But You’re Doing It Wrong. You have to stick around to find out how Publisher Rocket can unleash sales for your books.
You're going to have the steps necessary to optimize your use of this tool. To maximize the sales that are coming in or at least the people who are going to even be seeing your sales page on your book to click and buy.
You're going to feel great that you are no longer leaving money on the table when it comes to your self-published books. The thing is after running all these ads, all of these years myself, we've gotten up to I think 120 million times people have seen the ads. Publisher rocket is a key tool that I use.
I've come to understand there is a pattern that flows to doing these things. A Checklist is one of the ways that I do it in terms of figuring out how these 200 books plus that I've gotten on Amazon.
How exactly to do it? It's using a checklist and if you check it, you can grab a copy of my free Checklist. See if you can also unleash the exact secrets that I have already found.
Maybe you'll find a better way to do it. But I'll tell you after 200 times, you begin to have made all of the mistakes and you figure it out. So just check out the checklist and let me know if you find something different that you do with your process for self-publishing and getting your book sold.
So, the thing is that Linda was one of the very first Group Coaching clients that I ever dealt with. We were going back and forth and we were dealing with her specific books. She was getting no sales at all.
I told her like I tell all of my group coaching clients, we need to immediately get ads going to your books. It's one of the absolute most important things that we can do. There are three things that we generally do.
One, we optimize our title and subtitle so that when people search for terms, it's going to show up in our book. Two, we're going to run paid ads against our book with a minimal budget. And three, we're going to do content marketing.
That's where they usually go through the Content Marketing Course. To learn exactly the step-by-step ways of getting that going. So that we are driving traffic in all three ways; the keywords, the ads, and our organic traffic.
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Then sharing that on social media with social media marketing and our email list. This circle creates this flow of traffic towards one thing. It is going to be your book sales page, the page where it shows your book, and where people can click the Buy Now button.
But we need to get people there. If you think that if you publish it, they will come there, they are not coming. That was the thing that Linda discovered. She had even purchased Publisher Rocket which is what we're discussing today.
And after purchasing Publisher Rocket, she discovered there was a lot of functionality in this thing. It gets very confusing very quickly. Now, don't get me wrong, this tool is fantastic tool.
It's just that it does so many things that it makes it so difficult to figure out how exactly you're going to use it. She started getting a little demotivated. So, there are a couple of things we did and this is why we're discussing Publisher Rocket Is Great For Amazon Ads…But You’re Doing It Wrong.
We are discussing why it is so great for Amazon ads and specifically what you're doing wrong. So, the first thing is it gives you the ability to look at keywords for categories, titles, and ads. It is fantastic in all of these three areas.
Now, here comes my gold nugget. Number one is that you don't have to think just because it's good, you're going under the Amazon ads keyword area in Publisher Rocket. That means it's only for the ads because those keywords also give you things to plug right back into the title, your subtitle; the seven keywords that you're choosing.
So, the point being is that each of these areas will give you ideas and keywords to check in the other areas. So, when we find the list, it gives us a huge list. If you're doing puppy training, you type that in. We just type that right on into the Publisher Rocket and it will give us a huge list.
We'll pull them all through and take a look at that. Then we take that list and plug it back into the other areas. We look to see if we find the categories that would match it. We look to see if we'd find the exact keywords for our book titles that would be great.
Focusing On A Single Niche
We also look at our competition to see which keywords they're using. Publisher Rocket gives us the ability to use it as a tool to generate all of these different keywords which are so unbelievably powerful. Keeping in mind that one area of Publisher Rocket can be used in the other one.
By the way, if you've been watching my Youtube videos, we also hit KDSpy and we're going to be using these same keywords. Check-in KDSpy to see exactly which ones are the most profitable keywords. Those are the ones we're going to be using in our titles and subtitles.
So, you might be thinking just because you're in one area of Publisher Rocket, “Oh those are the Amazon area.” Then, you can't use those keywords for the other areas. Now, there is one exception and this can get you in big big trouble.
It's that if you're using names of authors and famous books in your title and subtitle, that will get you in trouble. So, you do not do that even though for completely acceptable ads and a great practice.
If you have a book that's just like I don't know one of Stephen King's books, you can use Stephen King as a keyword in your ads. So, when his books come up, lo and behold! You can even type in his ISBNs.
Check out this related article: 3 Best Amazon Ads Strategies For Beginners
That is the code for each of the specific books that Stephen King has. You can have them in there so that when somebody looks up those books, guess whose book shows up? Your book shows up.
I hope if you've taken anything away from the videos that I show and the lessons that I've taught, you're going to look to make sure that your books don't look particularly all that different from his books.
Those two books come up together and the reader says, “Wow, I didn't know Stephen King came up with a new book.” Then they click on your book. Now, remember, do not copy his name. Some people have tried this.
Your author's name happens to be Stephen King. Big trouble, big warning flag. Don't do it. Your title is not his title with no direct copying of titles and your cover is not identical.
So, you might look at the cover of it which has a clown or a claw or something along those lines on the cover. But that is not something you're going to want to have an exact copy of. But that doesn't mean you can't have a villain as a clown.
Or you can't have a villain or something similar to a clown. With this dark cover and some claws. Something like that you see is completely acceptable to be similar but not copied exactly. So that is a very very important point.
When we're looking at exactly how your covers and your titles and how you're using these keywords. But when it comes to your ads, anything goes. You can have any of the keywords you want.
So, on their covers, their books come up. Guess whose books come up? Your books do. This is so difficult for so many authors to understand. You're just sitting there all day long, typing away on your books.
Thinking that somebody's going to buy it if you just write the thing. It's such a good story, it's so useful. I have all of these 20 years of experience in puppy training. I just want to share that with the world.
But guess what? That is a terrible idea because once you do get that out there, it's going to fall flat if you're not optimizing things. That is why Publisher Rocket is such a powerful tool with that.
But here's the second thing, this is also the second gold nugget of the day here. It is a fact that all of these keywords, what do I do with it? I even had somebody recently ask in the Group Coaching, what am I going to do with all of these keywords I have? What am I supposed to do?
The answer is, I'm so glad you asked, that's number one. Number two it's that these keywords are going to be your title, your subtitle, and the seven keywords that you have for your book. They're also going to be in your description.
They're going to show in your author's bio and all of these locations. We're going to be scattering them around. We're going to be using them. Then what about the next book? By the way, I hope your next book is in the same genre or subgenre.
Because if you're thinking of putting out another book that's a completely different book, that's just cutting away sales. You're no longer an expert in what you're doing. That's the reason why we think of Stephen King.
Getting Things Exactly Right
If you think Stephen King can't write books very cleverly on different subjects, he can. But he knows he does a lot better by focusing on one niche or one subgenre. He does the type of horror books, that's all he does.
And so, he's able to get his name associated with that. Then, whenever his name comes up, people like, oh yeah, I think he’s the one who does the horror books or the one who does the puppy training books and all of your books are focused on that.
Then we're taking all of these keywords, we're shooting them right on through. To make sure that as we're using these keywords, each of our books is using a different set of keywords. And we're keeping track, we have what I call, an original from self-publishing amazing now - a Keyword Cloud.
We're creating this cloud of keywords that are all associated. We have the really important ones right towards the bullseye of the middle. You want to make sure those are your first books; we're going to do that.
Then as we're moving outward, we're going to start using little bits and pieces of the outer keywords. But how are you supposed to find those? Are you just going to guess? I mean I guess that's an option, some people are like when some of my clients will even ask what's a keyword.
I have to point out that a keyword isn't like a word. It's a keyword phrase with multiple keywords that people are searching on. And why is it so important? It's because how are they going to find your book in the first place, unless they're searching?
Also, if they're searching, that's going to trigger you to have your ads come forward. Both the book itself and the ads. We're doing a combination of both of them to make sure that on page one results on Amazon, your books are showing up.
So, it's super clear what exactly is going on. This is a mistake that so many authors make, you cannot even believe it. But let's get to our secret answer, the third gold nugget of the day, our secret answer.
It is a fact that Publisher Rocket sometimes when you type in keywords, it'll say there's a low number of searches on certain keywords. I'm telling you, there are so many authors out there who think that because it is a low number of searches, you shouldn't even bother trying to use those keywords.
That’s the wrong answer. Now, your primary keyword should be the ones that have a high search volume and a low number of books on that. That's the use of KDSpy, but KDSpy sometimes disagrees. So, don't get over it.
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It doesn't matter that much. What matters is that you're using these tools together. Because sometimes, people are like, oh but Publisher Rocket says, I shouldn't do this one and then KDSpy says, I should do this keyword for my title.
The answer is we don't care so much about that. We pay attention to the ratio that's generated on KDSpy. Keep it under 100, that's your core keyword. But what about all these low-search volume keywords?
We want to use them too, we're going to be using them as well inside of our books as we're moving along. This is so important because so many authors have this idea that if one of these tools tells you this is not a profitable keyword or not that many searches, they just give up on it.
I'm telling you, it's still worth having those keywords in your cloud of keywords that we're going to be scattering. We're just peppering all of our different books. We're getting it out there, we're making it easy for people to find our books.
We are making it easy for people to type the right things that are going to trigger our ads to fire off. You've been in there, you go and come into Amazon. You'll see half the results on page one usually are ads. Why shouldn't your ad be there?
And by using Publisher Rocket, you're exactly going to be there. I stand behind this tool, I do get a small commission with every sale that's made off of the link that I have. However, it does cost you absolutely nothing. You still pay the same price regardless.
It is my second most important tool only to KDSpy, but very close. Publisher Rocket gives us the fuel, the huge volume of keywords that we're then going to plug back into KDSpy, the combination of these tools. Going back and forth between each other is very very powerful.
That is something that often people don't consider when you're publishing. The importance of getting these things exactly right. Not a little bit right but exactly correct when you're doing your self-publishing.
Now the final thing was you heard me mention KDSpy and that was one of the reasons why I want to tell you about KDSpy Changes Everything - So Much More Than Manual Searching.