Chris A. Baird | April 1, 2024

So you're a business owner and you're thinking maybe self-publishing might be right for you and your specific business. You're probably right, that's why you're going to want to stick around for the answer in today's topic. 

Table of Contents


What we're going to talk about today is Self-Publishing for Business Owner - A Complete Overview. I'm going to tell you everything you need to know about this. So let's get started with the introduction, the definition of self-publishing, and its relevance to business owners. 

Definition of self-publishing and its relevance to business owners

This is the most important aspect of the entire process here. It's to understand you already have a business but you're wondering, can self-publishing help expand your business, find new customers, and all sorts of things? 

The first thing is what exactly is self-publishing? Well, it's the practice of independently taking your writings that you've done with your business for example. You're putting it together into a book and then we're putting this thing onto the market.

You're doing the steps yourself. You can find freelancers to help you with different parts of it. But as opposed to hybrid publishing or traditional publishing, you're going to be doing the Indie route. You're controlling every aspect of the publishing process which gives you complete control over what's going on.

Now the relevance to business owners. The thing is it allows business owners to showcase their expertise. So, you're good at something and you want to show people that you know how to do it whether it's carpentry, taking care of your puppies, or whatever it is.

You've already got a business, so why not use self-publishing as a way of getting your book onto the market and pulling that audience into it? You can find a lot more customers by going this exact route. 

Now an Empires, it empowers entrepreneurs to directly control their brand content and profits. That's one of the key issues here, just like with any other aspect of your business. You're going to want to pay close attention because what you're able to do is get in contact with the audience through a completely different route. 

You're letting Amazon find you new customers while you sleep which is one of the main reasons to go this route. 

Benefits of self-publishing for business owners

Now the benefits of self-publishing for business owners, a couple would be creative control. That means you can control the content that's going on in the market for your business through these specific books that you're going to be writing. 

Cost efficiency, you're not going to be wasting a lot of money trying to get traditional publishers to pick up your book. Or these hybrid publishers which are simply going to be taking a lot of money right up front. And maybe your book doesn't even get published or doesn't make any sales and they maintain control. 

The other is the brand authority. So you're able to establish your brand by using the book like a business card. It's a really powerful technique if you've already got a business, creating these books to help your business. 

You don't even need a lot; even a single book can be used to drive traffic to your website where you're able to talk about your products and services. So, like a book on puppy care for somebody who's already got a business about taking care of dogs. This can be powerful at driving new traffic and finding new revenue sources for your already existing business.

Overview of the content structure

Next is the overview of the control structure. So you're going to have just your introduction in your book. Then you're going to go into your main body. You will have the actual text, and then you're going to have the conclusion and summary which keeps it all simple.

Understanding Self-Publishing

Now, understand self-publishing, there are a couple of things you're going to need to understand. The first is explaining self-publishing in the context of business owners. 

Explaining self-publishing in the context of business owners

The first thing is, when you're dealing with business owners, you've already got the business. So, it's not like we're going the other way where we're using the books first to see what happens, and then we create the business. 

But you've already got the business. Now, the business significance—this means that self-publishing empowers business owners to directly manage their content, build brand authority, and engage a wider audience.

It has a lot of different things; in particular, it's going to help you build your email list. That's one of the most important things for a business owner. To have a list of people who are relevant to your specific business. The ability to push a button to maintain contact with them.

Check out this related article: Free Self Publishing Websites 

Then you have the entrepreneurial benefits. It offers creative control, cost efficiency, and the opportunity to position your business as a leader in the industry. And that's something that you really can't do in a lot of different other ways. 

In other words, by coming out with a book, it says, "Look, you're putting your flag down and saying this is a business for which I'm an expert in, and I know what I'm talking about. So you should buy this book or you should join my business or do both." And that's one of the beauties of the book; it establishes authority for you.

Advantages of self-publishing over traditional publishing for businesses

Now, advantages of self-publishing over traditional publishing for businesses. The biggest challenge is the fact that many traditional publishers just aren't going to take your book. That doesn't mean your book's not good, but you're going to want to have that creative control and not have to wait for the gatekeepers to decide whether or not they want what you are offering.

Then you have the cost savings. As a business owner, paying attention to what your costs are plays a very important role. Without an agent, it makes it difficult with traditional publishing, and usually, it doesn't even matter at the end of the day.

And then the speed to market. Traditional publishing can take you a year or two, maybe even longer, to get that first book picked up, whereas if you do it yourself, you can simply get this book out to the market as fast as you want.

Common misconceptions about self-publishing for business owners

Then you have the common misconceptions about self-publishing for business owners. They might be thinking, "Well, it's really low quality." It doesn't have to be, though, because that's a complete misconception. It'll be as high quality as the number of processes and rounds of editing that you're running this thing through, or lack of credibility.

Now, this one makes no sense. Like most people, they don't open a book up to see who exactly the publisher was. That's just not what people do. So the idea that you lose credibility is complete nonsense. And then limited distribution. This is also a misconception because the fact is you get a bigger distribution.

You're able to take this book and just because it may not be in a physical store necessarily, it's going to give you the ability to get into every single digital store. And that's one of the things I teach my clients regularly. So just check out my Coaching 1-On-1 Program. You can do a free Discovery Session  where we will talk right about that. 

Identifying Publishing Goals and Audience

Now identify publishing goals and audience. The first thing is setting clear objectives for self-publishing your business-related content. 

Setting clear objectives for self-publishing your business-related content

You want to make sure you have audience alignment. Look, if you're running a puppy care business, don't be writing a book on how to do vertical gardening; it just doesn't make any sense. The other aspect is looking at the content purpose. What are we trying to accomplish? 

You're establishing authority and telling people what they need to do to achieve whatever it is that you're teaching them, right? So, they want to get right to that goal. You're going to be looking at the problem, the solution you have, and the benefits of implementing what you suggest. Then, you're going to need measurable targets.

Check out this related article: Increase Sales by Changing Your Mindset in Self-Publishing

The idea is, what exact targets can you measure as you're progressing? Specifically, how many sales are you looking at getting? What kind of traffic are you going to be driving? The engagement metrics, all these sorts of things will play a role when it comes to publishing.

Identifying your target audience and understanding their needs

Then, we have to identify your target audience and understand their needs. Now, the beauty is, that you already know your audience demographics based on a correct assessment of your existing business customers. 

That gives you an idea of some of the people who might be interested in buying your book. So, you're going to write it to that specific audience. You'll have your psychographic insights, looking closely at the psychology of this whole thing. 

Look at their interests and other factors to ensure you're using language that's friendly to them and makes them interested in, in fact, purchasing your book. Then you have the research and feedback, utilizing surveys and social media, and just looking at the sales you're already getting for your business.

Tailoring your content to meet the specific interests of your audience

Then we have tailoring your content to meet the specific interests of your audience. That means we're going to need to do this deep audience research like we're talking about going down into content personalization.

We're making sure the content is specifically geared and engineered for our specific audience, and feedback integration. We're going to continuously gather and incorporate feedback from your audience to continue to make sure that the content you're producing is in proper alignment. 

You don't want your audience to feel out of alignment. Otherwise, they're going to mark your emails as spam, and they're simply not going to want to be your customers for very long. So that's something that so many people make a mistake with their businesses. If they're coming out with a book that's not properly aligned and isn't in the format and style that their audience is looking for.

Choosing the Right Content for Self-Publishing

You have to choose the right content for self-publishing. There are a couple of things to keep in mind here. You have the types of content suitable for business owners to self-publish, like books, white papers, and guides. 

Types of content suitable for business owners to self-publish (e.g., books, whitepapers, guides)

The thing is, you have books and eBooks; this gives you a lot of flexibility for people to be able to read them. You're going to have personal success stories, and all sorts of things related to your business. Then white papers and research studies, are like in-depth documents that can be self-published. 

To showcase you as a thought leader, establish yourself as that present research findings. And offer insights into the industry, so people would even be quoting some of these self-published books that you're putting out. Then you have how-to guides and manuals that make it easy for people to get in, learn what you're trying to teach them and get out.

Selecting topics that showcase your expertise and align with your business goals

Then you have to select topics that showcase your expertise and align with your business anywhere. From identifying the niche relevance or aligning that with business objectives. Showing your passion and authority, running the audience surveys like we talked about before. 

Conducting market research to validate the demand for your chosen content

Doing competitive analysis to see what your competition's doing with regards to books, and then just keywords and trend analysis. These are all the things that are going to be setting up your self-publishing business, which is part of your main business, to work out well for you. 

Creating High-Quality Content

If you want to succeed, that's exactly what you're going to need to do when it comes to creating high-quality content. 

Tips for effective writing for business owners

There are a couple of things you need, tips for effective writing for business owners. A couple of these would be using clarity and simplicity, an audience-centric approach in which we're looking at that audience like we're talking about editing and proofreading.

Remember, if one of the critiques is low quality, let's go through a lot of editing on this thing to make sure it's playing out like we need it to. 

Ensuring your content provides value and addresses pain points

Then you have to ensure your content provides value and addresses pain points; that are so important and often overlooked by most businesses. You need to not only understand your audience but also the pain that they experience and give them actionable solutions that they can just put into place immediately. 

And then we're getting continuous feedback from them to make sure that we're adjusting the content that we're putting out to make sure it's properly aligned with the needs and problems of our audience.

Incorporating your unique business insights and experiences

We have incorporating your unique business insights and experience. You're pulling in your anecdotes, things that you had from customers and experience. You're going to have your expert analysis saying this is what works and this is what doesn't. 

You're going to give these case studies showing people that by following the strategy and the framework that you are suggesting, this thing is going to work out just fine. All right, that's why they should get this book of yours.

Overcoming common writing challenges faced by business owners

Overcoming common writing challenges faced by business owners. Now, a couple of these content planning will help you with a lot of these problems where you're writing down exactly. What exactly you're going to say before you say it? 

You're going to do some research strategies going in deep on this thing to narrow down who your audience is and how to communicate, and then feedback and collaboration, working together with other professionals to make sure that your book is of the highest quality possible.

Editing and Polishing Your Content

Now, editing and polishing your content, and you have the importance of professional editing and proofreading. 

The importance of professional editing and proofreading

And this, again, is increasing the quality of the stuff that you're doing, getting that quality assurance in place, showing that you have that credibility, professionalism, and the clarity and effectiveness of your writing.

That's what's going to connect with your audience, to show them they should consider your primary services and products that you're selling when they see the quality of the book that you're putting out. 

So literally, you can sell your book to your existing customers, or you can find new customers through your book. Either way is just fine because it involves expanding the size of your business. Is that right? 

Self-editing techniques for business owners

Now, self-editing techniques for business owners. One of the things is just to take a break after writing for some time, take a break, step away, and make sure this is still in alignment with the message.

If you're trying to get across, use editing software like Grammarly. You'll find my affiliate link below in the description; that's a fantastic tool for figuring this thing out. And then read aloud; don't just assume you got it, but make sure that if you listen to it.

I like to run it through an app called VoiceStream on my iPhone so I can listen to the book to ensure there are no grammar issues. I can just pause it and then go look those up and fix them; there's no reason to have these mistakes.

Seeking feedback from peers and mentors

Seeking feedback from peers and mentors. Go to these people and find out if this is it. Get that diverse perspective so we find out if this thing's going to reach the audience we're trying to do and be open to constructive criticism from them as they're coming to you. 

Consider this as a possible mentorship opportunity so that you can get feedback from your mentors to make sure that they're able to tell you what you can do to improve the quality of the writing that you're doing to make sure we're hitting that target of the audience that we have.

Enhancing readability and clarity in your content

Now we have enhanced readability and clarity in your content. That's going to be done by simplifying the language that you're using. No need to use these long complex sentences; let's speak to people like they're people. 

Keep the paragraph short, and use bullet points that pop off the page, making it easy for people to absorb your content. And then use a consistent structure so that it's following it through through the book. You can even maintain that from book to book as you put out additional books. 

Design and Formatting Considerations

Now we get to the design and formatting considerations. The first thing is designing an appealing cover for books and other visual content. 

Designing an appealing cover (for books and other visual content)

You want eye-catching imagery so it catches your audience's attention. You'll find my affiliate link to the cover designer that I suggest down below in the description of all of my YouTube videos. If you're looking for somebody to put a high-quality cover on your book.

Then you have your clear branding, making sure that it's clear that it is your brand and not someone else's, so it matches your main business. And then we're just using a professional design. I use most of these services to make sure that we get it hit on target the very first time.

Formatting your content for various platforms and devices

Now, formatting your content for various platforms and devices. The first thing is a responsive design to make sure that the format is going to be coming through very easily, based on on-screen sizes and stuff. I use a program called Jutoh to do that. 

I also have a Course on Formatting Made Easy, and that goes through exactly how to do it, and I suggest you learn this skill set. This is one of the few ones I do not believe you should outsource; bad idea. 

You're going to optimize your book title and stuff for SEO to make sure people will find this thing easily using search engine optimization and making sure that you have consistency in place as well.

Utilizing graphics and illustrations to enhance the user experience

Now, utilizing graphics and illustrations to enhance the user experience, and that's a big one because visual engagement plays such a huge role when it comes to getting your book and making sure it connects with your audience.

And then you're going to clarify complex concepts. Don't assume they know anything; it's called The Curse of Knowledge where you assume that your audience already knows something when in reality they don't know these things.

So you break it down for them and keep it simple, which will also establish you as an authority and expert in the field that you're talking about to make sure they also have the branding and cohesion so it's all fitting together under your brand. 

Publishing Platforms and Distribution Options

Now, there are a lot of these things, but we're going to give you an overview of popular self-publishing platforms for business owners. 

Overview of popular self-publishing platforms for business owners

The first would be Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, KDP, and this is probably the biggest one. You want to get it on there; you can have your paperback, your hardback, your ebook, and you can even get Audible ACX your audiobook of this book.

And you wanted a version of the book and you want as many formats as possible. Then you have Lulu, which is a great choice to do. I specifically used it for my hardcover books. My absolute favorite pick is going with IngramSpark; it's the one that's made me more money than Amazon in many ways. And then you have Blurb, so that gives you a few options.

Step-by-step guide to publishing on different platforms

Now, step-by-step guide publishing on different platforms. The thing is, the first thing you're going to do is prepare. You're going to make sure that your content is fully ready, like we talked about editing, making sure we're targeting that audience, everything's in place for this content, and it's in alignment with your business.

The next is account setup. Set up the necessary accounts, and then you're going to do the content upload. You're going to take all these files that you put together, hopefully using Jutoh because I love that software. 

You're going to put these files together, the books together, right? The ebook, the paperback, and the hardcover are all of these versions. And then we're going to upload it to the platform that you just created. 

Understanding distribution channels and reaching your target audience

Now, you need an understanding of distribution channels and research and reach your target audiences. So you have different distribution options, and I recommend going with Amazon, IngramSpark, and Draft2Digital.

Then you have your audience segmentation, but in reality, on this one, it's not so hard because you already have your business; you should already be aware of that. And then feedback and adaptation, where you're taking in the feedback from your readers and making sure we just make adjustments to the book, which is one of the reasons why we go the self-publishing route in the first place.

Pricing strategies and royalty considerations

You have your pricing strategies and royalty considerations. You're going to be doing market research to see what the pricing needs to look like. You're going to have royalty models to make sure that you're making as much money off of these books as you possibly can. You're going to have promotions and discounts to drive even more sales than you normally would be getting.

Leveraging Self-Published Content for Business Growth

Then you have your leveraging. What are you doing? You're leveraging self-published content for business growth. This involves integrating self-published content into your marketing strategy. 

Integrating self-published content into your marketing strategy

This is not just some random thing we're doing here; it's directly inside of the way that you're communicating with people. You're going to have this content alignment, that is to say, that your books, your self-published books, are actually in alignment with the main thing that you're working on, the main business. 

You have a promotion plan. How exactly are we going to tell our customers about these books that you're coming out with? And the data analysis, we're going into the data and taking a deeper dive look at what's going on.

Using your book or content as a lead magnet for lead generation

Next, use your book or content as a lead magnet for lead generation. This is my favorite. You're simply going to have this valuable content, and you can give it away for free in exchange for an email address. 

You just need a landing page, and you're going to do some lead nurturing on those individuals once they get onto the email list. It's an insanely powerful thing. It's probably the top reason I even have a book on the market, so that we can get new emails, and new leads for your business.

Building thought leadership and authority in your industry

You're going to have to build thought leadership and authority in your industry. You're going to have this expert content out there; people are going to be sharing insights about this, maybe even sharing your book itself. You're going to have consistency and adaptation as we improve it, as we're getting feedback from our market, okay? 

Marketing and Promoting Your Self-Published Content

Marketing and promoting your self-published content. This means that you're going to be creating a comprehensive marketing plan for your self-published content. 

Creating a comprehensive marketing plan for your self-published content

You're going to get it out there; you're going to have content integration where it's going to be integrated exactly in terms of this marketing that you're doing on it. And one of the things I do is within my content marketing course. 

You can check out my Content Marketing Course Made Easy; that's something that I definitely would recommend in terms of how exactly we are going to best market this thing. You have your promotion channels, which ways we're going to get this thing through, and then measurable goals. So it's easy to see if we're nailing them. 

Utilizing social media, email marketing, and other channels for promotion

We're going to be utilizing social media, email marketing, and other channels for promotion. That kind of comes down to social media engagement, making sure that we share this content using content marketing like we just talked about. 

Then we're pushing it out to social media and engaging those people, and the email marketing campaigns, sending these targeted emails. They're going to be showing people the book and those are the other products and services. 

Or affiliate products and services that are relevant that we've tested out and proven they work, and use content syndication to make sure that we get our media and our books and all of the stuff out across as many platforms as possible.

Collaborating with influencers and industry partners for wider reach

We're going to be collaborating with influencers and industry partners for wider reach. If you already have a business, we should be reaching out to these other individuals. 

Hosting virtual events or webinars related to your self-published content

We're going to be hosting virtual events or webinars related to your self-published content to make sure that as people see this, they're going to be like, "Look, you can get a book; it will explain things. If the book doesn't explain some things well, maybe they hire you to do that job as an expert in your field." 

Measuring Success and Gathering Feedback

In addition, we're going to be measuring success and gathering feedback. We're going to be tracking the sales and performance metrics of your self-published content. 

Check out this related article: Exercises for Improving Your Self-Publishing

Tracking sales and performance metrics of your self-published content

We need to see the sales analytics; we need engagement metrics so we can see how much engagement we're getting, and a return on investment analysis to find out if, is this worthwhile. Is what we're doing working? And if not, let's make a pivot or a change to get this book to sell.

Analyzing reader feedback and reviews to improve future editions

You're going to be analyzing reader feedback and reviews to improve future editions; this is a very important one. We're going to be looking at those reviews; negative reviews can teach us something, and positive reviews can teach us something. 

Make sure you're learning and look at your competition as well. You'll see what happens there to make continuous iterations of our content and look at pattern recognition to see what patterns we have where we're making these mistakes. 

Measuring the impact of your self-published content on your business

Next, we're measuring the impact of your self-published content on your business. Is it having an impact? Are we driving more leads? Do we see the business going up? That's the whole point of it.

Repurposing Content for Business Growth

And then you're going to be repurposing content for business growth. That means maximizing the value of your self-published content by repurposing it into other formats. 

Maximizing the value of your self-published content by repurposing it into other formats

We can do eBooks to webinars. You can take your blog posts and turn them into infographics or make podcasts and video content about the content that you have inside your book. There's no need to keep recreating stuff; you can use your old stuff and just simply repurpose it. 

That is such a powerful tip that so few content creators pay attention to, and business owners say, I'm too busy. I don't have time to make real money, and that's how exactly you go about doing it. 

Creating courses, workshops, or online programs based on your self-published material

You're going to be creating courses, workshops, and online programs based on your self-published material, and this one is compelling because people read the book and say, "I need to know how to do this for my business. Can I hire you to help me with that?" 

Exploring opportunities for licensing or syndicating your content

Exploring opportunities for licensing and syndicating your content. Look, you can almost pay people to rent your content; it's unbelievable the opportunities. The partnership research, if you're looking, you'll find these people or licensing agreements, not a problem. 

Developing this clear licensing agreement so people can pay to do that, and then just getting legal counsel to make sure everything's going to go just fine for you as you're moving forward.

Legal and Copyright Considerations

The other thing is legal and copyright considerations. We were just talking a little about that legal there, right? We need to understand the copyright intellectual property rights of your self-published content. 

Understanding copyright and intellectual property rights for your self-published content

You should get yourself familiarized with basic copyright basics so you know exactly like when you put the thing on the market the very first time, making sure that yes, the copyright is in place. 

The other's licensing options and then protective measures to make sure people aren't able just to rip your content off. Which would be quite a pity, if you know what I'm saying. 

Navigating potential legal issues related to self-publishing

So, the legal and copyright considerations you have are navigating potential legal issues related to self-publishing. That'd be like copyright compliance, making sure we're not using other people's material, privacy, and data protection, making sure this stuff is protected, and dispute resolution. So, if somebody makes any claims, you are protected against that. 

Protecting your brand and business through proper legal measures

Then you have to protect your brand and business through proper legal measures to make sure that the trademark registration or contracts, excuse me, contracts and agreements are in place. Then you're seeking that legal counsel like we were just talking about. 


As you can see, in conclusion, there are a lot of considerations to focus on when you're dealing with self-publishing for your business. But it's something you're going to want to consider doing. It's not something you want to blow off because it is such a powerful concept that is worth taking a deeper dive into. 

Now for your business, if you would like to discuss this further upon the best strategy, you can simply look to book a Discovery Session with me for absolutely free. You can grab a copy of my free Self-Publishing Checklist. It will explain everything you need to know to get started about getting this book self-published and also getting it to sell.

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