Chris A. Baird | September 18, 2020
Where Can I Find Self Published Book Review Blogs?

It is helpful to refer to some review blogs when doing self-publishing. Find out more about self-publishing and where you can find self published book review blogs.

Today's question has three answers and the third answer is a secret as to why book review blogs may not be the best solution. In terms of getting reviews and leads, for people to read your books.

Now let's get into it. The question that was sent in today was, where can I find self published book review blogs? Now, this is an excellent question that many authors are wondering when they're first getting their books published.

They are wondering a little bit about where exactly should I go if I want other people to read my books? One way is to do get somebody a review blog to take a look at your book, to read the book.

Then by talking about the book, they can bring in additional readers which is actually an excellent idea. But we're going to come into the answer to this which is where can you find these book blogs review pages?

That's an excellent question that many people are wondering and we are going to answer that today. But before we get into the answers, check out my absolutely free Self-Publishing Checklist.

It will help you start selling more books if you already started the journey but not doing as well as you would like. So, where can I find self published book review blogs? Let me tell you a little bit about my story.

When I first got started, I wasn't even aware of this entire issue. You come out with your book, you write the book, you put it in the correct formatting, and now you're ready to market the book.

Check out this related article: How to publish on an online bookstore?

One of the things I found was that when you did do the free promotions on Amazon, then you would get thousands of downloads of your book. Those people would possibly become future readers.

The one downside is a lot of people who do get these free books either one never read them or two they tend to be very negative about the books. So you can get a lot of negative reviews from giving away free copies of your book.

You thought it was free but it's going to cost you a lot of money in giving those books away in that way. As opposed to people who pay for the books, they tend to get a lot more out of the books that you have.

Generate Leads Through Your Books

Now, if you have these copies that you're going to give out to book blogs, there is a particular strategy for it. I have never used this particular strategy because it simply wasn't necessary in terms of getting my books to sell.

Once I learned out some better strategies, it is definitely worth pursuing especially if you have fiction books. And you're trying to introduce it to an audience of people who already read a series of blogs. So that's a little bit upon what we're going to explore today.

Which ones are the correct blogs? Where can I find self published book review blogs? Well, the answer is there are a couple of places but one of the places I liked was blog Readsy book review blogs.

The reason I like this page was that it would tell you not only the blogs that give the reviews but how many views or how many people are following them every month. Also, where is their score in terms of how are they showing up in the rankings on Google.

So that if you are going to contact these people that you know which ones are going to be doing the best job for you in the review process. Because they are going to have more people coming through their site which is free traffic.

The next site was This was another outstanding site because it had all sorts of blogs and route you should use if you are going this way. To try to find new readers or maybe even get reviews on your books.

You are going to want to go and try a lot of these different ones. In other words, don't just find one that seems to match you. Perhaps write up a way to contact them and compliment their blog.

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Then send out contacts to all of the different blogs that are doing it and say, I can give you a free copy or even include the free copy of your book in the very email that you send to them. You'll say, look, here is a free copy I would love it and appreciate if you could review my book for me.

And they reviewed on their site and maybe they even leave feedback for you on Amazon. Helping to see the reviews that you have on Amazon but then it pulls us into the secret answer of the day. This is the best way to get reviews and find new readers.

In reality, it's not the best way because the better way of doing it is to simply use your book itself to generate leads. That is to give away something free in your book, like another free book or free excerpts, or character studies from your book, or something like that.

There Are Little Challenges

It can also be a cheat sheet where the person can download it in exchange for their email address. Then you get in contact with those people when you're regularly coming out with books and it will help sell.

Also, you can ask them if they would like free copies of your book in exchange to do reviews for your books? Then we run ads against the books and we have positive reviews.

We are running ads against our books and we are bringing in new readers. This way you can also do the free promotions to do it. But don't think though that it is not as nearly as effective as it was in the old days.

Perhaps a countdown or lowering the price to 99 cents would be a better strategy for you when you're trying to get your books to sell. So, this is another one of those little challenges you may find.

Check out this related article: How do authors who sell eBooks on Amazon for 99 cents justify the time invested in writing the book?

This may be a better route for you or better yet this is one of the policies and rules that I use throughout my entire business. It is the fact that we don't know what will work best for you. So try a little bit of everything.

Contact these different blogs and see if they are willing to review your book. If not, you can then also do these other routes that you're doing or do both at the same time, whichever one seems to be giving you a better return on investment.

It is really the ultimate thing we want to look at in everything we are doing. Then go that route. Notice I didn't say what is the correct solution for you.

You will have to figure that out but we can try the best practices and the things that we have learned from the experts on these different subjects.

So finally, where can I find self published book review blogs? What have you found? Maybe you run one of these blogs?

Go ahead and give me the link to it. I would love for the readers to be able to find those links so that they can also find better places to do it. Maybe you have had success?

Let me know below in the comments, I respond to 100% of all the comments. You can help other readers in this article find it as well, so just let me know below in the comments. Check out my other blogs and videos for more answers to your self-publishing questions.

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