There are a lot of options you can choose from. Learn how to convert Kindle books to EPUB format easily in different ways.
Today's question has three answers and you are going to want to stick around for the third answer. Because it is a secret to how you won't end up in this situation. Having to convert your files in the first place.
So, let's get into it. You find yourself where you have your files in Kindle format. And you want to get them over to EPUB format.
Both of these formats are commonly used. Whether you are self-publishing or whether you have downloaded a book into the Mobi format which is the Kindle format, you want to get it over into the EPUB format.
This is a great place to figure out how exactly we are going to do that. Check out my free Self-Publishing Secrets Checklist to get you started on your journey.
Here we are trying to make self-publishing as easy as possible. Because self-publishing doesn't have to be so hard. So now let's get right on into it.
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When I first started self-publishing, I discovered this whole problem with different formats. There's DRM (Digital Rights Management) that is on some types of Kindle files making it hard to get your book.
Also, when you are publishing books, you have to decide if you wish to put DRM onto the books. Once you have them into Kindle format, maybe you want to publish your books in a different format.
3 Ways To Convert From Kindle Books To EPUB
Maybe you are a reader who is trying to read your books into an EPUB format. As opposed to being stuck in having the Kindle format only. Whether you own a Kindle or you have the app on your phone, iPad, or Android device, this is very common.
Where you want to be able to move it to a different format. So let's get into the answers. The first answer is that if you already have the Kindle file and you can do this online at
It is a great location where you can take your Kindle file and you can convert it over to an EPUB format. So that's your first option.
Your next option is if the Kindle file is protected by DRM, there are ways of stripping off that DRM which you can Google online. I will not go into that since that is not legal to do that in some areas of the world.
But it is definitely doable to remove it. Maybe you wish to take the Kindle file and transfer it to a different format using Calibre. It is a program I use to do that.
Also, the old Kindle reader to get it transferred over to a different format like a PDF for example. Or you just wish to have it removed from the DRM, giving you more flexibility with the Kindle file itself.
That also brings an interesting question which is for your own self-published books, you don't need to put the DRM protection on it. Because most people are not really going to steal your books.
Check out this related article: Do I Need To Copyright My Self-Published Book?
So this is not something unless you are a famous publisher that you are going to have to worry about. If they do, you are probably not going to sue the people who did it as it spreads online. It will just bring more people to find you which usually has a more positive impact.
My Favorite Formatting Tool
Some musicians had found this earlier as well whereby having their files shared, it increased the number of people who are excited about coming to their concerts and buying their gear.
The third answer, our secret answer for the day is if your book is loaded into Jutoh which is my favorite software for putting your ebook that you are publishing in the first place. So go ahead and check that out.
You can then put it into this tool and when you publish the book, you can save it both to the Mobi format for Kindle, and also you can publish it to your PDF or EPUB.
All of the different formats that you are going to need to put your book all over the internet, you'll be able to find them all by using Jutoh. Just go straight out from there over to the different formats.
Check out this related article: What Is The Correct Format For Kindle Books?
That is the tool that I personally use and my virtual assistants also use this tool. It is by far the best. I have not seen anything that can compete with it.
So, what have you found? Have you found an easier way to do the conversions from Kindle books to EPUB? Go ahead and let me know below in the comments.
Also, check out my other blogs and videos to see answers to other self-publishing questions that you have.