How to reach more kids as a new author? Then you need a strategy that is different from how you are doing it with your books for adults. Find out the secret that I am going to reveal to help you hit the target market.
I have three answers to this question and the third answer is a secret that is the key to getting kids to read your books. Let's get started.
The question that was sent to me was how to reach more kids as a new author? Now, this is a common question for writers who chose children as their target market.
So we are writing children's books. We are trying to figure out how to reach more kids as a new author? or how do we get more children to read our books?
This is an excellent question because there is a whole series of challenges that are with children's books. And we don't face them when dealing with books that are written for adults.
But before I get into the answers, check out my Self-Publishing Secrets Checklist. It will help you get started and may get some things you have not considered if you have been writing books for a while.
So let's get into it. When I first started writing books and self-publishing, I was not interested in targeting the children's market. I was writing books for adults.
However, my own children ended up writing some books and I published those. And those books did hit within the children's market. We are dealing with books with pictures and along the lines of things that other children would like to read.
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These are books written by children for children. So that brings up an interesting question which was, how to reach more kids? or how exactly would I get them before other people or other children?
In my case, we got them in front of children by using ads. That was the primary way of finding readers for children's books or in this case, children's books written by children.
You Need Marketing Strategy
But it is a very very tricky question. It's sort of a bigger question which is for any given market, how do you find that market and how do you target that market so that they would be able to get it?
After all, on the one side, you are creating a product or service that they would like. On the other side, you have an audience that is very interested in buying your product or service, but how do they know about it? That's one of the key questions which is just with marketing itself.
So let's move into it. The first answer is that you need to make sure that your book is optimized for your readers. In this case, the children that you are going to be writing for.
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The way that we are going to do that is by making sure that our cover matches the genre. It should not look like an adult cover if it's a children's book.
The title needs to be optimized as well. So it's something that we can tell would be for children. You have the keywords that you are choosing for children.
It also gives us the ability in some places where we publish our book, it will even ask us who is our target audience? We can say that it is children's market, so that gives us another option.
I saw this within Ingram Spark for example, when you are doing paper books. Many children like to read paper books that were hardback books even better.
The way that we write the description is another key issue that we'll pull in our readers. Even when we're doing the sneak preview of the book we want to get right on into the story. So that they can see this is exactly a book that is a perfect match for children.
Then, number two, we are going to run ads targeting other books in the same genre. We will look for other authors and we're going to choose their names and their book titles in our ads.
We are trying specifically to bring people who already have found other children books that they like, maybe to find ours. The keywords themselves that we are using in the ads is a key issue.
Look Closely On The Target Market
The third point which is the secret I mentioned earlier, is the fact that you aren't really targeting the children, rather you're targeting their parents, okay? This is a little tricky for a lot of people.
It's not like a cereal commercial where you are running a cereal commercial for the kids. Then, they are like, oh I want that cereal. It is not going to work that way.
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It is going to be that the parents are going to see the ads and the marketing campaigns that you are doing for those books that they are interested in. And the parents will then click and buy the books for the children.
So, it is very important. Sometimes it is easy to forget that we think our target audience, they don't have credit cards. It is the parents who will buy books or grandparents or friends.
They will buy books for those children. You need to ask yourself, where are these parents and friends? Where exactly are they?
Then we can properly target them. I'm assuming we're dealing with children who do not have credit cards of course. Because if you were dealing with young adults, that would be a little different category.
So, we are not thinking about them when we are looking at this particular issue. What have you found? Have you found how to reach more kids? or places where you can sell your children's books that maybe I haven't addressed here?
Or maybe better ways of going about doing that? Go ahead and let me know in the comments section below. Check out my other blogs and videos for additional questions just like this one.